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Hold function

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2022 12:29 pm
by drvale
Firstly remarkably this works really well with the autopilot and will take you around a hold relentlessly. However when you cancel the hold the Active Waypoint display continues to give you information relative to the hold and the HSI doesn't cancel either. On an old topic that has now been ignored for ages, fly to an approach via intercept and as soon as you arrive at the intercept Waypoint status is lost and autopilot bombs out. I am building another Falco and MGL is not on the shopping list for it if existing problems are not resolved and I can rely on its performance.

Re: Hold function

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2022 12:11 pm
by rainier
Check your glide slope settings.
If your autopilot "bombs out" after intercept you may be above the glide slope rather than below it - you select the desired glide slope (2.5 degrees works for me - 3 degrees is a little steep) and make sure the intercept is far enough away.

Re: Hold function

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2022 2:42 pm
by drvale
Apologies, slow response from me. Rainier, intercept is always from below the glide slope. Glide slope is set as standard at 3 degrees.The a/p bombs out because the Active Waypoint bombs out.

Re: Hold function

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2022 10:32 am
by drvale
Any progress on the Hold function inability to Cancel on the 'Active Waypoint' Status. Asked the other day to Hold and later when instructed to resume my own navigation the Hold Active Waypoint Status would not Cancel. In desperation selected a GoTo a nearest Airport, did not replace the Hold position. Pressed Re-track which then altered the HSI and the Highway in the sky but not the Active Waypoint Status.

Re: Hold function

Posted: Thu May 18, 2023 2:39 pm
by drvale
Still waiting for a response.