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MX1 MAP & Temp Display

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2022 4:57 pm
by pfhoeycfi
The manifold pressure has disappeared from my main display. It was within the RPM "ring" but its now gone. Any ideas?

Also I display 8 temps, a group of 4 CHT and a group of 4 EGT. When I tap the CHT field I get a larger popup for CHT. When I tap the EGT the field turns red and and a popup for CHT (not EGT) appears (I have one RDAC XF MAP and no expansion). Is this normal?


Re: MX1 MAP & Temp Display

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2022 12:22 pm
by rainier
It sounds like you have a custom engine monitoring screen but there is a mismatch between the items displayed on the screen vs reality and how they are assigned in your Engine TC setup menu.
Have a fiddle in your system defaults setup menu - looks like something changed there.