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iefis trouble red cross in flight on sceen

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2022 3:56 pm
by jackc-fjlj
hello MGL community

I always have since we bought the avionics MGL complete IEFIS Challenger RDAC IBOX 2 SERVO ETC.. a problem with the iefis when I turn it on everything is correct in terms of informations on the screen then after 3 to 4 minutes red crosses appear on the engine info, however this one works well and gives the right indications then after 10 to 15 minutes red crosses appear on the screen at the level of the AHRS data this one appears each two minutes for half or even 1 second and obviously disappears in flight this deactivates the autopilot
I don't know what to do I checked the can bus the connections everything is ok I now have more confidence in the avionics I'm afraid that my screen will fail me in mid-flight
thank you for your help these interruptions date since we install AvionicsImage[/img]

what is the trouble electric, data , programation ???

best regards