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MX1 and V16
Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 8:19 pm
by pfhoeycfi
The com1 field has a red x thru it. The mx1 is connected to the v16. There is also a Vega control head connected to the V16. I've checked the wiring several times it appears there is no comms between the MX1 and V16. Also...when I hit the PTT the antenna warning on the Vega control head appears. The antenna cable is good. Any suggestions?
Re: MX1 and V16
Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 9:50 am
by rainier
Did you connect the V16 using RS232 port number 1 to the MX1 to any port 1 to 4 and have you set the port you chose to the MGL Radio in the serial port and routing setup menu. remember RX connects to TX and vs versa.
Do NOT connect the V16 CAN bus to the MX1.
If your radio gives you the antenna warning you do NOT have an antenna connected or the cable is shorted - alternatively your antenna match is so bad that it no longer qualifies as an antenna tuned for the VHF band.
Re: MX1 and V16
Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 3:17 pm
by pfhoeycfi
Re the comms I believe my setup is correct. The V16 can bus is conceted to the Vega head, not the MX1. I will double check the Rx Tx connections.
Re the antenna... it and the cable were provided with the system I purchased...MX1, V16 etc. So I'll investigate per your recommendation.
Re: MX1 and V16
Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2022 11:50 am
by rainier
The Antenna ! message is shown in cases of an extreme high ratio of returned vs forward power at the antenna connector. In other words - the radio is not connected to a load around 50 ohms that would be presented by a correctly tuned antenna/cable system.
Make sure your antenna is mounted on a correctly dimensioned ground plane (1/4 wave length from base of antenna in each direction - electrically connected to the shield of the antenna cable).
Make sure you are using 50 ohm cable (not 75 ohm video cable).
On the control side: V16 RS232 port 1 is used. TX goes to RX on your chosen port on the MX1 - the moment this connection is there AND the MX1 has been told which port to use for the radio AND you have enabled COM1 in the equipment enable setup menu the cross will go away (but you cannot change anything on the radio). Once the TX of that MX1 port is connected to the RX of the V16 RS232 port 1 then you can control the radio.