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EFIS data recording viewer display

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2022 7:31 pm
by Mikeyb
My RV8 flew for the first time and I wanted to review the data. I have V running. When I import the IEFISBB file the viewer displays 55 flights downloaded but doesn’t display any data with boxes checked. Any ideas? Really want to see this data.

Re: EFIS data recording viewer display

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2022 2:10 pm
by rainier
When you import the recording file it splits the contents of the file into individual flights.
These are now individual files (one file per flight). You will find these files in your Flights_SD folder - this is for recordings made on your external SD card after you set it up.
In the BBTool - go to "Flights" and select that folder. You will now see all those flights and the filename is the date and time of the take-off.
Select the flight you are interested in.
Now you can play with the Data selection and graph the contents of the flight - Start just with the altitude, that tends to give a nice reference. Then add other items as you like.
Under export you can create a Google KML file - save that file somewhere and double click on it - Google Earth should now show you your flight path in 3D. Note that GPS elevation is used - depending on your Area (WAAS coverage) this will be very accurate in the vertical extent. In non-coverage areas the elevation may show a small error depending on visibility of satellites and their physical position relation to each other and your aircraft at the time. Usually the error is quite small.

Re: EFIS data recording viewer display

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2022 4:52 pm
by Mikeyb
Got it working. Thanks so much