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alarm ack

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2022 9:35 pm
by jackc-fjlj
I always have a red cross displayed on the engine instruments at the bottom of the screen how do I know why this cross appears I have all the engine information
can you give me a solution to properly isolate the SP-7 from the vibrations induced by the propeller on the composite fuselage the only place where I can place the SP-7 is under the co-pilot seat

tks fot ypour reply


Red Crosses on EFIS Engine Gauges

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2022 12:20 am
by JimJab
Just quickly Jack,

Not sure what MGL Avionics unit you have installed, but this advice depends on you having an RDAC unit.

If you have red crosses on all your EFIS engine gauges, the most likely causes will be the RDAC has lost power to the unit from the EFIS.
So check you have a red flashing LED on your RDAC unit, if not, then check the power wires to the RDAC from the EFIS.

If you have a red flashing LED indicating you have power to the RDAC then the RDAC may not be communicating with the EFIS, so check the communicate wires from the EFIS to the RDAC for continuity using a multi-meter.
