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XTreme EMS to RDAC-XF via RS-232

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2022 5:05 pm

I have a RDAC-ULP connected via CANBUS to an MGL XTreme EFIS (that works OK)
The EMS (also connected to the CANBUS) also shows the ECU values OK.
However if I connect the RDAC XF to the CANBUS (address 1, RDAC-ULP is on ADDRESS 2 other way around does not work),
It interferes with the RDAC-ULP (although the addresses are different).

The RDAC-XF has 2 RS-232 interfaces and the EMS also has an RS-232 interface.
The manual (RDAC-XF) states that you can't connect MGL XTreme stuff connected with RS-232 to the RDAC-XF.
Is that correct? It seems odd.

Hope someone fixed this.