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xTreme EMS 'glitching'

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2021 10:30 pm

I have a ULPower 520iSA engine on an RV-7 and the ECU is connected with an RDAC ULP through the CANBUS with an xTreme EFIS and xTreme EMS of MGL. I also have a SP-6 and SP-7 connected to the CANBUS and an RDAC XF with the CHT and EGT TC's.

There are 2 issues (left) with my MGL xTreme EMS, when the engine runs I can see all the engine metrics on my EMS, but sometimes at irregular intervals I get 'strange' readings. For instance every few seconds I gat a 0 RPM 'glitch' of just a few tenths of a second.

The other issue is that EGT1 always reads 2000 Centigrade, which is probably above the melting point.
It's not the TC, because if I switch TC1 with TC2 still EGT1 is 2000 Centigrade.
If I reduce the number of sensors to 1 (or 2) it looks OK.

Does anyone encountered this two issues and how was it solved.


Marcel Heijmans