MGL Driving HUD in my RV8

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MGL Driving HUD in my RV8

Post by hpmicrowave »

After several years of our OnSpeed group working on our AOA system we have also been (on the side) developing our own custom HUD Software and using the software I finally have an operational HUD system using the BLACKBOX RS232 output from my MGL Gen3 EFIS installed and flying on my RV8. This should work fine on any MGL with a spare RS232 Out port and MGL Blackbox Data output capability. Our HUD project goal is to have a professional quality HUD that is fully functional and reliable, but also fun. We have some pretty awesome technology (and real time data to support this technology) available in our aircraft today! My RV8 HUD display is an Epic Optix Eagle color system, focused to infinity, very bright and easily seen in daylight but has the ability to be dimed very low for nighty ops, and were using a Raspberry Pi 4B computer and its HDMI video output to drive the HUD. This software can also be used to just drive additional custom HDMI video displays in your cockpit using data from your primary EFIs or additional data systems.

The HUD software currently integrates with the RS232 data output from my MGL G3 Challenger (as seen in my pictures below) with options for several other EFIS systems if desired.

In the hardware picture below along with the Epic Optix HUD (and its custom RV8 mounting hardware) is our OnSpeed M5 AOA Graphics Display. The HUD software will shortly be able to process 2 data inputs so I will be able to remove the M5 display as all the critical OnSpeed data (AOA etc) as well as my Efis data will integrated together into the HUD display. The HUD graphics display picture shows a recorded flight data playback of a GPS ARNAV approach and my HUD alignment procedure. The alignment was accomplished starting with a level RV8, then using a laser to position a FRL target out in front of the hangar physically aligned with the HUD, then physically adjusting the HUD (left/right is fixed, elevation is adjustable with friction knobs) using its graphics display with the FRL (Fuselage Reference Line) target. The current Graphics is loosely based on the F18 HUD design, but our open source software project will allow users to create or modify any HUD graphic design they would like and to share their creativity with other users. Each HUD software display piece is designed as separate module that can be added and positioned to a HUD design. Since different HUD systems also have different Video (Pixel) resolutions this Graphics box can also also be input as part of the overall HUD graphics configuration. The 3rd picture shows the small size of the raspberry pi computer mounted on a swing open avionics panel inside & under my RV8 dash. I have a MGL EFIS (+G430W) currently integrated with the HUD computer. The Localizer/Glideslope works really neat on the HUD through the MGL Efis. The MGL provides a large amount of Efis data that can be selected for use by the HUD system. Part of the challenge in HUD design is only displaying critical data and not cluttering up your HUD.

Anyway the software continues to evolve and hopefully will remain that way. We invite MGL users who are interested in helping with software or who just want a HUD to join our project. Epic Optix has offered a discount for their Eagle HUD to folks helping with this project and I also have several HUDLY HUD's that I can sell to HUD developers (the HUDLY is used in the MGF HUD for only $25K)Image, its a good HUD display but much cheaper than a Epic Optix HUD). Raspberry Pi 4B computers can be hard to find right now but are available with cases and other integration hardware for around $100. Like I said our Software is open source (free) but we want folks to help with the software project as much as possible.

Send me a PM if your interested in helping with this HUD project.

HUD Dash Mounting
HUD Dash Mounting
HUD Install Small.jpg (230.74 KiB) Viewed 2727 times
RaspPi4B Install
RaspPi4B Install
RaspiPi Install Small.jpg (186.97 KiB) Viewed 2727 times
HUD MGL Flight Data Playback & Gnd Boresight
HUD MGL Flight Data Playback & Gnd Boresight
HUD ILS_Boresight Small.jpg (197.82 KiB) Viewed 2727 times
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Re: MGL Driving HUD in my RV8

Post by cdgentile »

Cecil - very nice work! I've just joined and don't have PM privileges yet, but would love to learn more about your HUD development work. I'm starting an RV-8 and would love ot replicate as much of my prior tactical experience as possible.

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