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Navidata not displaying on Xtreme

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2021 7:38 am
by jrh
I have two gen 1 Xtreme EFIS in my aircraft running version 1.30. I have a Navidata.ewd file in the root directory of the SD cards. When I press the second most left softkey I only see waypoints from the supplemental waypoint.ewd file, not the waypoints from the navidata.ewd file. I have loaded the Navidata.ewd file in to MGL Central and it shows all the waypoint data fine. I'm based in Australia and the Navidata.ewd file I have is from 2008. I have two questions. How can I get the Navidata to display? Where can I get an up to date Navidata.ewd file for Australia (it appears Navaid only covers USA now)?

Re: Navidata not displaying on Xtreme

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2021 1:19 pm
by John H
Cant speak for the Gen 1, I have Gen 2. Have you set up the settings for WAYPOINTS in the menu section? There you can show or hide waypoints, airports ETC.

As for Australia you will need create your own EWD file. I believe that NAVAID.COM has been updated. Don't know if it is current for AUS. You will need to use MGL CENTRAL and what ever you can get from the AUS aviation sources. Here in the states our FAA is very open and free for our aviation info.

Hope this helps,

John H.

Re: Navidata not displaying on Xtreme

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2021 6:31 am
by jrh
Thanks for the response John.

We have been in lockdown here so it has taken some time to get to the plane.
I went to settings as you instructed, all waypoint types are set to SHOW. So unfortunately that is not the problem. Do you have any other suggestions?
I also went to and performed a data download for AUS. Coverage is very poor with many airports missing. Is there another source for nav data for the Xtreme, even if I have to pay for it?
I was wanting to install autopilot servos, however no point if I don't have nav data :cry:
I'm really at a loss as to what to do next.


Re: Navidata not displaying on Xtreme

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2021 10:24 am
by jrh
So, I've updated to the latest firmware for the Gen 1 to version 1.37. That all went smoothly, however still no joy in reading the navidata. I also tried removing the waypoint file, just in case it was blocking the navidata. The custom waypoints disappeared, as expected, but the Xtreme is still not reading and displaying the navidata.

Any ideas why?