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IEFIS.REC File Format?

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2021 12:46 pm
Is there a document that describes the format of the IEFIS.REC file?

I am starting to use the Savvy analysis tools, but they have a limitation of only being to handle a single flight in the IEFIS.REC file, and that defeats the whole purpose of storing a multitude of flights on the IEFIS.REC file from a micro-SD card longevity perspective.

My goal is to write a parser (unless one already exists) that can split a single IEFIS.REC file into multiple .REC files, each with a single flight.

Any guidance is appreciated!

Re: IEFIS.REC File Format?

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2021 11:32 am
by rainier
The file format is simple: It is exactly the same data as sent through the RS232 backbox data feed (if enabled). The data is in sectors of 512 bytes each (like a disk). The first four bytes is a time stamp (applied at every sector start) and the remaining 508 bytes is the data. You can use the Blackbox datafeed document to interpret the data.
You would start by scanning for the oldest time stamp. That is the oldest sector - start here. The data here may start with the last part of a previous message so just look for the next start of message. Whenever there is a larger gap between time stamps a new flight would have started. Wrap around at the end and continue at the beginning until you processed all sectors.

Re: IEFIS.REC File Format?

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2021 1:40 am
I wondered if that just might be the case.

Really appreciate the direction!

Re: IEFIS.REC File Format?

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 12:08 am
by Linn Walters
Trying to get my enigma.rec file uploaded to Savvy. Might have found a bug on their website .... they're working on it. Do you have the mapping names for the enigma.rec? I'm anal about not reinventing the wheel!!! :lol: