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sp7 and iefis challenger

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2021 3:53 pm
by jackc-fjlj
hello guys

my sp7 comes back from revision at MGL torrance it works but does not give the information to my iefis after a few minutes red crosses appear on the screen where I have to look to solve this problem on the other hand the screen of the AV 2 continue to give turn and bank attitude information

tks for your help

Jacques Quebec

Re: sp7 and iefis challenger

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 5:20 pm
by jackc-fjlj
thank you Rainer for your answer

but yes the engine parameters are also affected by the red crosses although I have all the information displayed on the screen RPM MP OP OT FP FF EGT CHT the screen freezes for a few seconds
Can you give me the up-to-date diagrams so that I can check the can bus and RS 232 connections?
Best regards