Nautical Mile Per Litre

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Nautical Mile Per Litre

Post by JimJab »

Hi All,

I guess this is a Rainer question as this does go deep into the depth of the Voyager firmware. But if anyone has tried to use the "Nautical Miles per Litre" library item with success please give me the heads up, is there a trick in getting this to work.

I designed this page below to better manage and monitor my fuel burn, as my aircrafts fuel tanks are very thin, shallow and large and you can easily burnt between 23 LPH to 33LPH depending on your RPM. So dipping, measuring and monitoring your fuel left in your tanks after some flight time out of your tanks can be a real challenge. I have some 1000 hours in the air, and I find the fuel management of this aircraft the most challenging. I have been told as you gain more Nav hours and experience with this aircraft, it does become much easier to manage your fuel. I guess when you look into your tanks and dip them to find only an 1" of fuel in the bottom is a bit scary, as in most other planes that mean you don't have much fuel left.

So in the Sim pic below, Voyage is happy displaying all the fuel related items, fuel to Waypoint, fuel remining at waypoint, time to Waypoint and lots of other information like Nautical Mile's per Litre, and it's that particular bit of information which I want to display correctly when in the plane.

Fuel Page MGL Sim.jpg
Fuel Page MGL Sim.jpg (112.07 KiB) Viewed 1422 times

So when looking at my Fuel page pic below, ( taken from my aircraft in flight). Some of the fuel calculations are not showing or are incorrect. The "Nautical Miles per litre" item dos not even show up.

Is this a bug in the firmware causing these issue and there is no work around? Or is there something that I can do to fix the issues like changing something in the Menu settings etc.?

Fuel Page In Plane.jpg
Fuel Page In Plane.jpg (84.01 KiB) Viewed 1422 times

So any help to get this "Nautical Miles per Litre", item to work would be gratefully appreciated. Or even if you are using this item successfully in your EFIS please let me know.

Thank you.
Older MGL units
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