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problems MicroKit MGL WiFi Gateway

Posted: Sun May 26, 2024 7:12 am
by crodri
Lately I can't "share" a flightplan from Skydemon with my MGL Challenger IEfis using the microkit. It seems it can't find the FPL file, which I'm sure it's present, because when I share into an email or to the "files" directory in my ipad, it's there.
I have configured it as per the manual, and it used to work. I have also tried configuring it in Dual Mode through my Pilotaware as a ADSB unit, but no joy.
I am attaching a screenshot of the error message.
efisd.jpg (229.52 KiB) Viewed 952 times
Anybody else having this problem?
I'll be grateful for any help you can provide.