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Raster Map on IefisChallenger Simulator

Posted: Thu May 16, 2024 9:13 am
by samsonwilliams
Hello everyone.

I have put the Raster (.MAP) in the MMC folder and in the Task Menu I have loaded
the Maker2 .MAP and it puts the message that they were loaded but I'm just seeing a black map
when I pick Raster from the Map Menu.

What obvious thing am I missing, this was ok some time ago.


Re: Raster Map on IefisChallenger Simulator

Posted: Mon May 20, 2024 3:02 pm
by rainier
copy your *.map files into the MAPS folder of your current project.
Then use the GPS simulator to enter a valid position (withing the maps region) and set the position as "valid" (checkbox).
On any screen that has a map - tap in the map area and then from the menu buttons select "raster" as map source - also you can do so from the map menu button.