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ADSB-in and out with a Voyager Odyssey G2

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2024 12:45 am
by JimJab
Hi All,

I am in Australia and seeking some advice about ADSB-in and out and setting this up to show on my Voyager Odyssey G2 EFIS's moving map with audio warnings.

I do have a Microair Transponder which is only Mode C, so I am guessing this may need to be replaced.

I have heard some people talking about retro-fitting a WiFi receivers to their MGL iEFIS, is this possible with my Voyager Odyssey G2 EFIS via the MGL RS232 port Extender which I have.

If anyone has gone through the process in getting ADSB-in information into their Voyager Odyssey G2 and can give me the heads up of what I need to buy and to make this happen, I would be very appreciative to receive any advice that helps to get me heading in the right direction to integrate ADSB-in into my Voyager EFIS.


Re: ADSB-in and out with a Voyager Odyssey G2

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2024 3:31 am
by sparxfly
This is what you want> ... i-gateway/
Works fine integrating a uAvionix Ping ADS-B IN receiver or similar (eg SkyEcho) into the iEFIS.

Re: ADSB-in and out with a Voyager Odyssey G2

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2024 10:39 am
by rainier
This does not work with the Odyssey or Voyager.
Here you need a ADS-B receiver that supports GDL90 protocol over RS232 at 115200 baud (this originates from the original NavWorx receivers). Virtually all receivers support this protocol either over the air via Wifi or wired via RS232. Note that things like Weather radar images etc are only available in the U.S.

For ADS-B out you use the Trig TT21 or TT22 transponder (body only) with our trig transponder interface or any other mode-s transponder as you like. In case of another (not controlled by our EFIS) solution you can use the EFIS GPS for this via the NMEA feed depending on the rules of your particular civil aviation authority.

Do not confuse 978Mhz ADS-B with 1090ES ADS-B.
Most tend to use 1090ES (Mode-s transponder) and then use a 1090ES receiver (such as the affordable Stratux with the RS232 option). This gives you traffic (only from aircraft that in turn broadcast 1090ES with GPS position etc). It does not give you any of the 978Mhz UAT information - but as mentioned that works only in the U.S. - not even in Europe - UAT only has traffic there so tends to be redundant as almost everything uses a mode-s transponder now.

Having completed our own mode-s transponder design I am now just finishing off the software for the G4 EFIS (yes the Discovery Lite - now to be called MX2) production boards have arrived and assembly is commencing.
Once the G4 is of my back I will finish of the 1090ES/UAT dual band receiver I started before covid hit so there will be another low cost option for this available soon.

Re: ADSB-in and out with a Voyager Odyssey G2

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2024 3:15 am
by JimJab
Hi Rainer and All,

This is getting off the topic a little, but I am just wondering if you have ever consider making one of your new EFIS models, to be a direct replacement foot print for our older Voyager Odyssey, so we can easily upgrade?

Getting back the Voyager/ADSB question;

Ok, I can't set up this WIFI unit as suggested by Sparxfly with my Voyager Odyssey; ... i-gateway/?

I had been waiting for the MGL Transponder to hit the market with ADSB in and out, since it was first talked about some time back. But as the ADSB rebate offer here in Australia is running out, it's time to act.

My Microair transponder can be upgrade to a transponder with ADSB -IO, ... -t2000sfl/ and the upgraded TS2000ADSB-IO transponder does have the GDL 90 protocol, over wifi.

I understand that my current Microair T2000SFL can talk to a MGL Enigma Multi-Function Display, so I am guessing it can talk to my Voyager ?, if set up to do so.

I am currently waiting for a response from Microair to see if the serial port communication that talks to the MGL Enigma can send the GDL 90 protocol over this same serial port system, if I am reading this correctly ?

Any further help much appreciated if anyone already has this set up.


Re: ADSB-in and out with a Voyager Odyssey G2

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2024 9:45 am
by rainier
The Enigma would be used to send NMEA data (i.e. standard GPS messages) to your transponder. This has nothing to do with GDL90.

There are no plans to reuse the old Odyssey and Voyager housings to create a new EFIS - simply because of the use of touch screens and there being no more use for keypads meaning we can make the EFIS systems smaller - which is exactly what happened with the iEFIS over ten years ago.

There may be a new size iEFIS in future but it is still early days - I am looking to perhaps make one that is effectively the Voyager size screen (but as touch screen similar to the Challenger). So basically something that fits size wise between the Explorer and Challenger (same width as the Explorer but slightly higher). This to maximize the available screen real estate for aircraft where the Challenger is just too big.

As an aside - the G4 iEFIS can operate in both landscape and portrait modes (by means of a menu selection) so that gives additional options. This is however only available for devices that have an IPS display - currently only the MX2 (new Discovery Lite replacement) and the Challenger qualifies.
As is our tradition (where possible) the G4 CPU board can be retrofitted to older iEFIS systems. It's a tight fit with the existing Discovery Lite but just works - Explorer and Challengers all no problem. But only the current Challengers can be used in portrait mode with the retrofit as the other systems do not have an IPS display.

Re: ADSB-in and out with a Voyager Odyssey G2

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2024 10:05 pm
by JimJab
Hi All,

As always there are many more things for Rainer to consider, when making a new EFIS, besides making it fit into our old Voyager/Odyssey instrument panel cut out and mounting holes.

I was just thinking it would have been a good idea for us older MGL EFIS owners, when we start looking at upgrading to another EFIS with wireless connectivity to be able slide on out one EFIS and slide the new one in.


Re: ADSB-in and out with a Voyager Odyssey G2

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2024 11:43 pm
by JimJab
Hi All,

Well, I have got an answer from Microair about their T2000ADSB-IO transponder, sadly their transponder has no connectivity via a hardwired RS232 serial port using the GDL 90 protocol, which I now realise Rainer was saying in a more technical way in his recent post.

So I am assuming, if you have an iEFIS and you can install the MGL wireless unit listed on Michigan Avionics website, this may be an option for those units to talk to each other via the GDL 90 protocol.

So where does this leave owners like me who have Voyager/Odyssey EFIS and wanting to input ADSB data into our moving map and with traffic audio warnings??????

Surely there is a way forward to do this, I have tried googling, but there is little information to be found for Voyager/Odyssey EFIS and ADSB.

If someone has already added ADSB traffic into your Voyager/Odyssey EFIS, could you please give us the heads up and push us in the right direction in how you have achieved this.

Rainer, am I right in saying with your new Transponder, it will be a plug and play solution with your transponder having a RS232 serial port and the GDL 90 protocol so it will talk to our Voyager/Odyssey EFIS's to add ADSB traffic etc. ?


Re: ADSB-in and out with a Voyager Odyssey G2

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2024 6:13 am
by JimJab
Hi Rainer an all,

So my question to those who may have more insight in to this matter than me.

Is it possible to use a generic wireless Bluetooth to RS232 Serial port module to build the link between the Microair Transponder that is using a wireless Bluetooth and GDL 90 protocol data, to communicate with Electronic Flight Bag Programs.

So can I add this RS232 module to the Voyager/Odyssey RS232 port to receive the wireless Bluetooth, GDL 90 protocol traffic Data.

Am I being way to simplistic for this idea to work ??
