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Chalenger design problem

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2024 7:22 pm
by sapril001
Hi all
I have this problem designing the page number 4 on my EFIS Chalenger. For some reason I can not get the info screen to appear when I close the design mode. I get the flight screen, the engine screen, the fuel screen, I can see the info screen in design mode I can mouve it around but the moment I close the design mode that info screen dissapear. The info screen info4A.sdf, info4B.sdf and info4C.sdf files are there in the screen folder.

Sylvain April

Re: Chalenger design problem

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2024 9:22 pm
by sapril001
OK I found it, I need to enable custom info screens in the menu, then it all work fine. I will get beter at navigating the menu :D
