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Issue with Trig TY91 interface

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2021 12:46 pm
by huntwing
I have a TY91 connected, TMAP interface, to my Challenger lite using the details supplied in the "Using the trig Avionics and Compatible VHF transceivers" document.
I also have the Trig head.

Its been in place 2 years and sporadically, normally when first switched on, the remote head shows a warning message "No Radio" but generally this can be cleared by flipping channels on the head or rebooting the radio.

However recently that has become much worse, yesterday it was so bad it seemed to be happening continuously and seemed to coincide with the end of an incoming reception.

I have rewired all of the associated cabling, even replaced the resistors but nothing seems to improve the situation.

I have also tried just using RS232 connection and Garmin protocol, which works but offers limited functionality.

Anyone else see this message please?

Re: Issue with Trig TY91 interface

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2021 11:37 am
by Diamond
yes, in my case the connector moved and was not screwed strong enough

Re: Issue with Trig TY91 interface

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 2:23 pm
by huntwing
Thanks but that is not the issue, been checked many times. Seems to happen mainly if I switch on the EFIS after the Trig unit.


Re: Issue with Trig TY91 interface

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2021 8:51 pm
by Diamond
You should try with another unit to check if it could be an harware issue. Start with the head, it's easy to switch with one from another plane