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MX1 quirks etc

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2024 11:07 pm
by Markdun
The latest firmware updates seem to have fixed most of the issues I had (endless reboot and no traffic function). So a big thanks to Rainier for this. A couple of issues remain which fall into the annoying category as opposed to exceedingly frustrating.

AoA. I have successfully calibrated and has the AoA (single port relative mode) working. But every time the EFIS is powered down the calibration data disappears. Seems like the data is either not saved on non-volatile memory or is overwritten. Any suggested fixes?

Traffic. ADSB traffic via Enginebridge WiFi now connects and is displayed on the map pages. The annunciator also advise of traffic. However two issues: the traffic is not displayed on Page 1 as it is in the simulator; and if one presses the <traffic> button, this correctly displays a table of relevant traffic, but when this is closed the EFIS reboots….annoying when this happens in the air.

I’ve also installed MGL autopilot servos and have found on the Jabiru J200 airframe these work exceptionally well with the autopilot function on the MX1. It flies the plane a hell of alot better than I can except it always fails to cop-ordinate turns…but then I have no servo on the rudder! And I’ve been playing around with the GLS function after having input GPS data for my bush airstrip. Once I adjusted the glideslope to suit a steep approach over trees and a hill, it also is showing to be amazingly accurate and precise. Next step is to do a few runs at some licensed aerodromes.

Cheers, Mark