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IEFIS Simulatior

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2024 3:42 am
by sapril001
Hi all,

I am trying to customize screen for my new IEFIS Chalenger, I run in his problem in the simulator that the 2 fuel tanks bargraph that are linked to the RDAC number1 in a 2 RDAC system are not responding to the RDAC simulator cursors position setings. I have a full tank #1 and a halftank #2. When I try to link those graph to the RDAC #2 both tanks are empty and neither bargraph respond to the RDAC #2 fuel level cursor position either.

Any idea what might cause this.


Re: IEFIS Simulatior

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2024 3:56 pm
by andynoiseboy
I have an MX1 but assume it's a similar process:
Calibration values need to be set for various levels of fuel within the EFIS menu, so likewise in the simulated version. The values are raw data numbers from the A/D conversion on the fuel level inputs. It's not clear what the value units are in terms of resolution - will depend on the resolution of the A/D converter and/or the 'byte' size of the data in processing; eg. 12 bit = 0-4095.
That said, even after trying to add values in calibration for simulation, I was still unable to elicit a meaningful display. I'll have another go when I get a moment but it would be useful if the raw data value from the RDAC virtual stimulus sliders were to show up in the simulator EFIS mcalibration menu but I don't believe that it did in my case....

Re: IEFIS Simulatior

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2024 4:31 pm
by andynoiseboy
Ok, I've tried again. My conclusion is that it simply does not work.
I'd like to think that @Rainier will step in and explain.

No matter what I change in fuel setup calibration and RDAC sim. slider position, the simulated fuel level is stuck at 45 (of 60 litres). This applies to both an analogue gauge graphic as well as a text value (both driven from RDAC1/Fuel Level 1).
I changed the data source of the gauge to an AUX input and the gauge responds to AUX slider changes, proving that the RDAC simulation is at least partially working.
If you turn off the RDAC simulation source, the fuel gauge shows the red X, so there is at least some acknowledgement of the FL1 source device.
My guess was right (it appears) regarding RDAC resolution. 4095 is the maximum acceptable fuel level raw data calibration value so it seems resolution is 12 bit.

This is all frustrating and adds to a number of other bugs and anomalies. I spend way too much time taking SD cards to the airfield to load new screens only to find that something doesn't work and needs editing. I intend to add a fuel level sender to my aircraft but aren't at all confident that it will work as designed since it can't be successfullly simulated.

Re: IEFIS Simulatior

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2024 6:04 pm
by sparxfly
The designed/simuator RDAC fuel level sliders don't work, but the fuel level system works fine on real hardware.
Just go for it, set up the level calibration in real life- it all works!

Re: IEFIS Simulatior

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2024 7:03 pm
by sapril001
Thanks all for your input, at least I know it is not something I am doing wrong, as far as I can remember the simulator of the Odyssey that I used on a different project was working fine with all the simulated RDAC inputs. Usually if it did not work on the sim it did not work on the instrument either.
I can continue building my screens, dam I am rusty doing this and I have to restart often from scratch, it is not very clear to me where are stored the screens that you are working on, when you close the desing file a different screen is shown on the page that you are editing. :(

Thanks All,

Re: IEFIS Simulatior

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2024 7:22 pm
by sparxfly
it is not very clear to me where are stored the screens that you are working on, when you close the desing file a different screen is shown on the page that you are editing.
Re files, simplest is to either use the SIM file manager to transfer files to the SD card, or us the script library generator option- that way you don't need to search throught your hard drive to find the files.

Re not showing your custom screen- you need to select your custom screens in the 'standard system selections' menu- its a bit confusing initially.

Re: IEFIS Simulatior

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2024 6:12 pm
by andynoiseboy
On a similar note, I've been designing a gauge for fuel pressure and run into more issues.
A gauge and a text value both driven from the same RDAC FP source show different values under simulation (but they do change with the slider)....?
Anyone else seen this?