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EFIS Light comunication with Trig radio

Posted: Sun May 16, 2021 6:37 pm
by krautinger
I have wired my Trig radio with the Descovery Lite as described. Now I noticed that I can hear the FIS very well, but the planes that contact the FIS do not. I also noticed that if the air traffic control does not radio from the tower but from the handheld radio then I cannot hear it, even though this was good before.
Even planes that are in the traffic pattern I only hear when I get close to the it.
In other words, the input power of the radio signal is very weak. Has anyone had this problem?
Is there some configuration on the EFIS I have to do?

Many thanks for some hints to solve this!

Re: EFIS Light comunication with Trig radio

Posted: Tue May 18, 2021 7:55 am
by rainier
Is your squelch setting perhaps too high ? You control that from the EFIS (if you open the radio control one of the rotary knobs changes to squelch).
If your squelch is too high the radio will only pass through strong transmissions and suppress weaker ones.
