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Re: Hobbs Meter

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 7:50 am
by Bill Hertzel
Thanks for the feedback! Better late than never.
This confirms that it not an isolated problem and is truly a systemic issue.
I can see that it has gone undetected as it takes a long time to show any change because it takes 2.4 minutes to get the first TIC of the clock.
Hopefully, we can get Rainier to have another look at the problem.

Re: Hobbs Meter

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2021 12:22 am
by bkc
I agree, I hope Rainier will recognize this is a bug and patch it for the next firmware release.

Re: Hobbs Meter

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 2:21 am
by Duck19
My Xtreme EMS Hobbs also runs with the lane switches off but at normal speed.
912iS , RDAC CAN 912iS, Xtreme EMS v2.06

Haven't run the engine yet but there are some other odd things that I haven't figured out.
When the EMS connects to the ECU the throttle setting at the top right corner changes to an 8 digit number with 2 decimal points.
Engine hours come up as 1065826240.00 and ECU hours as 1102247808.00 and counting.
Everything else seems OK.

Re: Hobbs Meter

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2021 11:01 pm
by Duck19
Further to my last post I've noticed that when the hobbs counter is running at normal time despite the lane switches being off the displayed rpm is actually 9000 rather than 9001. Might be a factor if the firmware is specifically looking for 9001.

Re: Hobbs Meter

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 5:36 am
by Bill Hertzel
Do you have a setting to Round the RPM to the nearest 10 rpm that is rounding the 9001 to 9000?
I would still assume the EMS should be looking at the Raw number and halting the Hobbs.

Re: Hobbs Meter

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 1:35 pm
by Duck19
Yes I had it rounding off the rpm. It does now display 9001.
At least we know that the hobbs error is not confined to your particular display type.

I wonder if it is related to the my repeatable wildly erroneous engine hrs, ecu hours, and throttle setting with the v2.06 Xtreme EMS.

Re: Hobbs Meter

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 10:19 pm
by Bill Hertzel
Thanks for the reply.
It would not surprise me if Rainier uses the same software subroutine in different instruments to accomplish the same task.
If one instrument has a problem, they might all have the problem.

Re: Hobbs Meter

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2021 3:13 pm
by bkc
Has anyone heard from Rainier or other MGL support regarding this bug?

BTW, Ken just mentioned the ability to view engine hours, ecu hours and throttle setting for the 912is on the Xtreme EMS (even though it appears to be buggy for him). This is also possible with my Challenger-lite but only in a special menu screen. Does anyone know if any of these parameters, especially the throttle setting, is displayable as a programmable instrument? This is very important so that I know what the throttle is at start as well as when the throttle is 97% indicating it is in ECO mode.

If throttle position is not displayed on an indicator, does anyone have any good suggestions on how to successfully advocate for new feature requests (and bug fixes) in the next release of the firmware?


Re: Hobbs Meter

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2021 5:01 pm
by bkc
Bumping this thread in hopes that this bug (hobbs meter running even when 912is engine is off) will be acknowledged by the development team and fixed appropriately.

Is this the proper way to report bugs? Is there another (better) method?

Re: Hobbs Meter

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2021 2:04 am
by bkc
A firmware update was just posted (17 September 2021 Version and it looks like it should fix the Hobbs Meter issue with the Rotax 912iS. I'm looking forward to testing it next week.

Thanks development team!