Database update missing frequencies?

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Database update missing frequencies?

Post by jwill5290 »

OK, I'll ask this again with pictures: where are the radio frequencies in the latest US database update?
Screenshot 2020-10-27 155647.png
Screenshot 2020-10-27 155647.png (157.84 KiB) Viewed 5740 times
Screenshot 2020-10-27 155629.png
Screenshot 2020-10-27 155629.png (161.68 KiB) Viewed 5740 times
Am I asking the right question to the right place?
Jack Will
Soldotna, Alaska
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Re: Database update missing frequencies?

Post by adamoconnor »


You must've missed my reply asking if you've tried the even later navidata?

The navidata post you posed the question on is already 2 cycles out of date - have you tried on the latest update yet (effective 11/05)?

Adam O'Connor
Michigan Avionics
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Re: Database update missing frequencies?

Post by bvolcko »

The freqs were missing on my last update as well. I just went back to the previous version and all is well.
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Re: Database update missing frequencies?

Post by rainier »

The frequencies are picked up from the FAA ARINC 424 database.
If they have been removed for that airfield by the FAA then they will not show on the EFIS.
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Re: Database update missing frequencies?

Post by hpmicrowave »

Jack, do you have iEfis sectional maps for Alaska? If not do you want any? I create the sectional maps for the mainland USA but have never had a request from any MGL user for Alaska. I created some maps for Canada several years ago for a user but nothing for Alaska or Hawaii.

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Re: Database update missing frequencies?

Post by jwill5290 »

I checked other airports like Seattle- nothing.
I have not tried any newer updates yet.
I don't use sectionals in the EFIS, I have Foreflight on the iPad if I need to look at charts. The frequencies in the EFIS are handy because I can touch them and they go into the radio.
Jack Will
Soldotna, Alaska
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Re: Database update missing frequencies?

Post by bradwalton »

I tried the most recent navidata.ewd file and found no airport frequencies either. It sure is handy to be able to transfer frequencies from from airport info to the radio with a single push of a button.
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Re: Database update missing frequencies?

Post by tdyer »

I am missing the frequencies as well. I believe I remember reading that they were no longer merging the data from www, because the data was no longer being updated and some of the data was inaccurate.

Here is the excerpt from page 10 of the mgl central database tool instructions:

As of writing this document, the FAA ARINC data does not include “Communication records”,
effectively records that contain airport frequencies and descriptions.
Because of this, we now do a further step:
Step 3:
Go to and download data in GPX format that approximately covers North
America. To keep the download smaller, choose only airport information. This information
includes frequencies.

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Re: Database update missing frequencies?

Post by tdyer »

Here are the instructions if you are in the US and want to build your own Navidata.ewd that contains the radio frequencies:

1. Install Mgl Central
2. Follow instructions on page 10 of MGL Central.pdf

Download the latest files from the FAA
1. Faa cifp data ... /download/
2. Faa DOF ... ducts/dof/

Merge airport information (frequencies) Step 3 on page 10 of instructions

WARNING: Use at you own risk!! Test in the simulator first. The data on was last updated a year ago!!
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Re: Database update missing frequencies?

Post by Live2Fly »

I'm new here and looks like I'm missing something or using old MGL Central. My version is 2.0
Menus look different, I cannot load maps which are loading fine into iEFIS G3 Sim
I load latest FAA FAACIFP18_2101.ari and it looks incomplete
I'm in Canada, Toronto and all I want to do is add Canadian data to the NAVIDATA.EWD provided by MGL
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