MGL WiFi Gateway now available in the US!

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Posts: 13
Joined: Mon Apr 18, 2022 2:00 am

Re: MGL WiFi Gateway now available in the US!

Post by avi8tr1364 »

I have updated to the latest firmware Unfortunately it is glitchy. I have an iEFIS G3 with an iBox connected. Connected the MicroKit Wifi Gateway to the internal iEFIS RS232 port. All my devices connected to the iBOX CANBUS are now randomly glitching. EG elevator trim freezes and not moving, as well as prop stepper motor controlling the prop governor randomly stopping to move. Other devices like gear position are randomly blinking up/down very fast. I also got twice a random red warning on startup of the iEFIS that the iBox sensor data is missing and has low supply voltage, the iEFIS shows 0 Volts even though the batteries have over 13.4 V charge, . After switching the iEFIS OFF then ON I can not replicate the error. Happened twice. Sometimes everything works fine, then it starts to glitch. Looks to me it is a data buffer problem. Everything worked flawless before this firmware update.
Posts: 13
Joined: Mon Apr 18, 2022 2:00 am

Re: MGL WiFi Gateway now available in the US!

Post by avi8tr1364 »


I switched the internal RS232 iEFIS port OFF in system setup and that seems to stop the glitches. I could not replicate any. But to be sure I downgraded my firmware to and everything works fine again.
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