Empty black box on screen...won't go away.

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Drummer Dan
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Joined: Mon Oct 12, 2020 1:19 pm

Empty black box on screen...won't go away.

Post by Drummer Dan »

Hello Aviators

This is a photo of a friends MGL Screen after boot up. The empty black box appears on the right screen (page 1) after each boot and we are unable to clear it. This screen is slaved off the left screen however I dont think that has anything to do with it. No other screen pages have the black box.
Any ideas greatly appreciated.


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Rutan Long Ez
Norfolk England
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Re: Empty black box on screen...won't go away.

Post by sparxfly »

That's a video input window.
The left or right curson buttons will scroll through video sources to none.
NZ MGL dealer
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Drummer Dan
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Joined: Mon Oct 12, 2020 1:19 pm

Re: Empty black box on screen...won't go away.

Post by Drummer Dan »

That was quick and thank you very much. I will pass on the information.

Rutan Long Ez
Norfolk England
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