World Map

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World Map

Post by Waldopilot »

I have my iEfis system up and running but cannot find the world map file. It is not on the efis or SD card. Where can I get this from?
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Re: World Map

Post by rainier »

It is preinstalled in your Terrain folder. World.bmp

If you need a copy for whatever reason:

Just extract the World.bmp file from the zip library and install it using the file manager (copy to the Terrain folder).

This image is used for the large area zoom levels - i.e. continent wide zoom levels.
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Re: World Map

Post by Flingwing »

Hiya...along the same lines can you please tell me what folders my Challenger Lite needs to have the raster .map file put in. I've built the file in Mapmaker2...placed it in the MMC folder in the Windows iEFIS simulator then tried to install raster via the simulator menu. It says it installed 1 map and it seems to have copied the file into the default project MAP folder but the simulator doesn't see it... Any clues as to what I'm doing wrong? Should I be using the Enigma map maker instead? Is that compatible? Thanks, Terry.
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Re: World Map

Post by rainier »

The folder called MAPS.

Make sure the Mapindex.mm0 file used for the older format has been deleted as the EFIS will use the presence of this file to decide between using old and new formats.
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Re: World Map

Post by brs »

Another...Along the same lines

In the MX1 designer (ver 110 I have a nice terrain map showing, but on the actual MX1 I can not get that map to show. Only the raster sectional will show up. World map and 3 (USA) terrain maps are installed in the Terrain folder. Though I wonder how the MX1 uses the high definition terrain files since the MX1 does not have moving map like the other iEFIS's.
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