Enlarging digits on screen for better ease of reading

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Enlarging digits on screen for better ease of reading

Post by ZU-IMR »

I need to enlarge the digits on my Discovery Light Efis. Can anyone assist with info please? Thanks.
Bill Hertzel
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Re: Enlarging digits on screen for better ease of reading

Post by Bill Hertzel »

You will need to download the EFIS simulator and modify your screens with larger font sizes.
After uploading the modified screens back to the EFIS you will have larger Digits.
You will quickly begin tweaking all the screens so they make the most sense to you.
The first time you do this is a bit intimidating but in reality, it is not difficult.
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Re: Enlarging digits on screen for better ease of reading

Post by rwarre »

I did and it helped me in getting the numbers faster. I also eliminated some of the info on a couple of screens to be able to enlarge that information I used more often
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Re: Enlarging digits on screen for better ease of reading

Post by ZU-IMR »

Thank you. It helps. How do I transfer the new data to the efis?
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