T16 update

Post here anything related to the MGL EFIS systems
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Re: T16 update

Post by Kroontje »

Rainier, I’ve added both the transponder and the ADS-B receiver to my wiring plan and will order them up from Michigan as soon as they’re available. :D

Dank u wel!

Dave Kroontje
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Re: T16 update

Post by adamoconnor »


I see the uBlox chip on the SP-14 - built-in GPS?

Adam O'Connor
Michigan Avionics
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Re: T16 update

Post by rainier »

No. Not a GPS. That's the Wifi module.
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Re: T16 update

Post by zindello »

I know this has been a while, but wondering if there's any new update at all here?

Also any news on if a firmware option will include coexistence with the V16 radio on the same bus and controllable from a single Vega Control?

I don't have much realestate left in my panel, and I'd *really* love it if the T16 could co-exist with the V16 and be controllable from the same unit.
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Re: T16 update

Post by rainier »

Currently on hold (but not forgotten).

There is a very serious World wide supply shortage related to electronic components, in particular the more complex chips such as processors but now spreading to the more common items as well - right down to capacitors.
Some components used in the T16 are simply not available anywhere on the planet with lead times quoted up to 2 years !!!
We do have the stock but these components are also used in some of our other devices so we are using the stock to cover existing products.

We were aware that this was going to happen early on in the pandemic - then made worse by politics, much worse. We purchased all the components we could find and afford so we do have fair stocks which will keep us going. I hope this situation will sort itself out soon as there are many ripple effects - this affects the entire chain from component distribution to contact manufacturing. It was a finely tuned operation involving interdependence on a scale not equaled in any other industry. This has now crashed. It ma take years to build up again. In the meantime we will do what we can.
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Re: T16 update

Post by zindello »

Hi Rainer,

Thanks for the update. I know it's only been a couple of months since the last post but was wondering if anything has changed at all?

My regulatory body in my country has just proposed to lower a bunch of the Class E airspace into areas where it's Class G at the moment. I don't have a transponder fitted to my aircraft as I don't need one in Class G where I fly, and if they do this it will severely impact my ability to safely cross over "tiger country" areas, as I won't be able to enter Class E without a transponder.

If this proposal goes ahead I'll essentially have no choice but to purchase and install one. I can get a Trig - But I *really* would rather wait until the T16 is available.

Is there any projection if it would be months away, or years away? If it's years I fear I'm going to have to go with a likely more expensive - and almost definitely more inferior product.

And it would run the look of my "All MGL" panel :D :D :D

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Re: T16 update

Post by PaulSS »

Just buy the Trig remote unit (no need for a control head) and the MGL interface. The trig can be controlled through the EFIS and, if permitted by your country, the Trig can use the EFIS GPS position to output ADSB.

This was probably the easiest part of my MGL installation and it worked from day one with no bother.
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Re: T16 update

Post by zindello »

Sure, which instrument do you propose I use to control it in my panel?

I'm pretty sure the answer is none ...

Hence my predicament. It would be awesome if the V16 head could be made to work the transponder as well, but I don't think the software will let you do that.
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Re: T16 update

Post by PaulSS »

Fair enough :D Thought you might have had an MGL EFIS.

I suppose the compass could go overhead and the transponder in its hole. Wouldn’t be an all MGL panel, I know, but at least it would be replacing another non-MGL instrument.

I do like the iPad holder. Got the same in mine and I reckon they are a very neat bit of kit.
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Re: T16 update

Post by zindello »

The Mag compass is going to go eventually. I have a compass in the AHRS that I haven’t calibrated yet, one in the iPad, one in my phone and one in my watch.

I was saving the spot for the T-16, I guess we’ll wait and see.

Now what would be REALLY neat is if the V16 controller could do the T16 as well, and MGL release a Vega autopilot that used the data from the AHRS, ASI and ALT/VSI already in the panel.
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