Since firmware 10 my satellite map has been blank. Both pics.
Upon installation of firmware 11 the GPS stopped getting locations altogether. But then yesterday I rebooted holding the knob to reinstall the firmware already on the mini-sd card. After that the GPS started working immediately but there still is no GPS satellite map.
Does anyone know a fix for this?
MX1 GPS satellite map
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MX1 GPS satellite map
- Attachments
- No Fix - No Map
- MX1_NoGPSfix.jpg (210.43 KiB) Viewed 2849 times
- Yes Fix - Still no Map
- MX1_No-Sat-map.jpg (182.5 KiB) Viewed 2849 times
Re: MX1 GPS satellite map
Is your internal SD card working ?
Go to your file manager (from menu) and log onto the internal SD card. You should see a list of folders - if it is blank then the internal card is not working. Fix for that is simple but we can get to that if you do not see the folders.
Log into the Maps folder and verify that all map files are there.
If you still do not see the map - please make sure that the relevant map layer is actually selected. Go onto any screen that has a map region and then select the MAP menu - you will see you can enable several map layers - one of which is your aeronautical chart.
Make sure your "keep alive" wire is permanently connected to your batter positive. This will ensure the internal rechargeable battery will not run down - if it does - settings like your map layer enables will be lost when you switch off.
Go to your file manager (from menu) and log onto the internal SD card. You should see a list of folders - if it is blank then the internal card is not working. Fix for that is simple but we can get to that if you do not see the folders.
Log into the Maps folder and verify that all map files are there.
If you still do not see the map - please make sure that the relevant map layer is actually selected. Go onto any screen that has a map region and then select the MAP menu - you will see you can enable several map layers - one of which is your aeronautical chart.
Make sure your "keep alive" wire is permanently connected to your batter positive. This will ensure the internal rechargeable battery will not run down - if it does - settings like your map layer enables will be lost when you switch off.
Re: MX1 GPS satellite map
Rainier, I'll check this out later today.
However, I'm not sure that we are talking about the same thing. The actual 'maps' work fine. What I am calling 'satellite map' is the inset picture, above, that normally show which GPS satellites are visible at the time in the round circle (based upon time and location) and what GPS satellites are actually 'seen' (in the rectangle box to the right of the round circle).
For example: The second picture, above, shows "Tracking 5". In such case there should be at least 5 satellites and their signal strengths in the rectangular box.
Re: MX1 GPS satellite map
Ah OK, sorry - thanks for reporting, will check.