G-Force setup issue

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G-Force setup issue

Post by iroazh »


I just bough an XTreme EFIS G3 + RDAC XG.

While doing the initial setup of the XTreme, I've noticed something weird, which looks like a bug:
Among the different settings in the G-FORCE SETUP page, two items are related to the negative G-force:
- Negative Alarm, with a binary choice HIGH/CAUTION
- Negative High, which is a G force value

When pushing the rotary button, the item enters the configuration stage where its value can be change, as any other menu item.
Then, when turning the button counter-clock wise, the negative G decreases, as expected. However when turning it clock wise, the G-force value does not change: it is the previous item that is updated, that is HIGH/CAUTION.
The reverse behavior appears when the HIGH/CAUTION item is configured: CCW turn updates the item, CW turn update the negative G value.

It seems the indices of the item to update have been swapped somehow with the negative G-force menu items.

I'm using FW v.3.10. I've power cycled the EFIS 3 times with the same result to ensure this was not a transient issue.

BTW I also had to update the Slash.MIF image as I had chosen an image with a white background (480x272 pixels). I was unable to find the FW version till I recall I saw it on this splash screen. It is not a good idea to create a full white background, as the EFIS does not invert the colors to print out the FW version and the S/N, but also uses white characters :-) White-on-white means nothing visible. Creating a black strip at the bottom of the MIF file solved the issue. Maybe this should be documented somehow, except if there is another way to retrieve the FW version in another menu that I have yet to locate :-)
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Re: G-Force setup issue

Post by Franz »

Hi Iroazh,

Yes, you are correct. Thanks for bringing this to our attention. The negative Alarm/high items are swapped. We will fix this in the next day or so.

You can find the firmware revision in the MISC SETUP->INFORMATION.

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Re: G-Force setup issue

Post by Franz »

Xtreme EFIS Version 3.11 has been uploaded.


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Re: G-Force setup issue

Post by iroazh »

Thanks for the fast update.
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