digital input not working as expected

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Posts: 11
Joined: Mon Jul 17, 2023 2:02 pm

digital input not working as expected

Post by johan »


I have a device that pulls a line to gnd which I want to trigger an alarm on the iefis using the ibox digital inputs.
To test this I installed the simulator and configured the digital input and configured "Active level is low" and enabled the alarm.

However, the alarm is triggered when the input is high using the simulator (>=1.6V).
Setting the input as "Active is high" is behaving the exact same way.

The input is read-out correct by the iEfis, the Current: <state> is represented correctly where state is low when I select a voltage < 1.6V or high when I select a voltage of >1.6V.

I only ran this in the simulator, didn't had the chance to test it on the real iefis as I haven't finished the installation yet.

Is my understanding of the digital input wrong ?

Thank you in advance,
Posts: 11
Joined: Mon Jul 17, 2023 2:02 pm

Re: digital input not working as expected

Post by johan »

I found out that the active is high or low only is applicable to the function that is selected, but not to the alarm.
Apparently the alarm is only/always triggered when the digital input is high, but the function that is selected is executed depending on the active is <state> that whas choosen.
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