EFIS TSO Approval

Post here anything related to the MGL EFIS systems
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EFIS TSO Approval

Post by JimJab »

Hi All,

My Questions are about trying to get my MGL avionics approved for NVFR or may be for PIFR, I do have a NVFR PPL so would like to keep it current by at least using my own plane. I am in Australia and have a Experimental Jabiru 430 with dual Voyagers EFIS Avionics as listed below.

My Aircraft's Australian Special Certificate of Airworthiness Annex does say my aircraft is approved for NVFR and IFR if the required equipment is installed.

All the easy stuff like Nav, Landing, Beacon and Cabin lights were installed when the plane was built. It does has TSO Compass and Transponder and a Alt Static Vent. So all this meets night NVFR and PIFR requirements.

Before I go heading off to the avionics guys. I know the Voyager GPS is not TSO approved, but it's standards is as good or better. I did hear on the grape vine someone has got their MGL Voyager/Challenger EFIS GPS approved for primary navigation in Australia, so I would like to do the same.

I am thinking by installing 1 or 2 SP-12 that are TSO approved GPS modules, this would make my Voyager GPS systems TSO approved for navigation, is my thinking on this matter right?

Thanks for any help and advice and if you wish you can personal message me if you would prefer about your system and what I would need to do.

Older MGL units
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