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HELP - MX1 Landscape Display Issue

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 8:09 am
by BushCatDon
Hi Rainier,

I have installed both Firmware files (Application and Op System) for the Landscape display which all seemed to work fine except the AH is only correct for the first 5 seconds before reverting to 90 degrees (Portrait) position. Everything else stays correct and up the right way!!. My S/No is 200800045. After update the Ops Version No is showing 00018005 and the Application is 0009. The Website is saying the current Version of the Ops is 0001806 - I presume that should read 00018006? Maybe that is just a typo missing a 0 but it would seem that there is a later one than what is downloading from the Website - I have downloaded it several times and uploaded it to the MX1 several times but same scenario!!

Advice please?? Thanks - Don

Re: HELP - MX1 Landscape Display Issue

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 10:56 am
by rainier
This means you have an MX1 that was built BEFORE the landscape mode became available.
The AHRS in your unit does not know the landscape mode orientation.
This can be amended by replacing the AHRS module with a current version or connecting an external AHRS such as the SP-7 (probably the easier way from a logistics point of view).

Re: HELP - MX1 Landscape Display Issue

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 2:51 am
by BushCatDon
Hi Rainier,

Thanks for your reply. I am always totally impressed with your quick replies and great knowledge of all of your products!!

I was very careful when ordering to specify I needed a 'post' S/No. 2008xxxxxx as per the advice on the Website so that I got the version which could be converted. You will note that my S/No. is 200800045 so should be 45 units within the S/No. range with the updated AHARS as per copy below from Website.

(Note: MX1 units manufactured BEFORE 31 August 2020, (serial numbers before 2008xxxxx) cannot use the internal AHRS in landscape mode, you can however use an external AHRS such as the SP-7. All MX1 units manufactured after this date can be used in portrait or landscape modes and the AHRS will orientate itself accordingly.)

I ordered it from Asia Pacific Light Flying here in Australia but had to send it back as it was a Pre 2008xxxxx S/No. that arrived. That was all OK and they swapped it over for this one.

Sounds like I will have to get it swapped over again? What S/No. range do I need to get?

Re: HELP - MX1 Landscape Display Issue

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 12:08 pm
by rainier
Any units made before 31st August 2020 do not have the built in capability to use the internal AHRS in landscape mode.
So 2009xxxx is the minimum. That would be September (09).

Re: HELP - MX1 Landscape Display Issue

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2021 7:21 am
by BushCatDon
OK - thanks Rainier.