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Xtreme EMS 912iS issues

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2021 10:51 am
by Duck19
My Xtreme EMS (v2.06) and CAN rdac on a 912iS has the following repeatable issues:

1. The throttle position at the top right of the main page is a six digit number with the right most digit half hidden behind the bezel.
It responds to throttle movement such as 248336 throttle closed and 248420 full throttle. That number range is always 84. The exact
number may change when the unit is rebooted but the throttle always has a 84 unit change between closed and wide open.

2. The engine hour display is 1065826240.00 I have not run the engine yet and that number does not change.

3. The ecu hour display is also a multi digit number such as 1102692224.00 That number increments by 8704 regularly. (about every

4. The hobbs time increases at the normal rate even when the lane switches are off.

5. A minor formatting observation is that the ECU Fault page is offset to the right somewhat. For example the following line starts
about a half inch from the left of the screen and the final characters are not visible. "A1 NO DATA RECEIVED FROM OPPOSITE LANEENGINE SP". Also "LANEENGINE" displays as one word without a space.

This is with no other avioncs powered up. The twisted pair Canbus is about 35 cm long with 120R resistors at both ends. Nothing else is
connected to the Display Canbus. Everything else seems to display correctly. BUDS software confirms that the ecu is outputting all the
data correctly.

Are these known issues? Does anyone else see these issues?

Re: Xtreme EMS 912iS issues

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 10:54 am
by Duck19
Does anyone have a 912iS that is displaying a correct throttle position on an Xtreme?

Re: Xtreme EMS 912iS issues

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2021 11:56 am
by Franz
Hi Ken,

We have recently upgraded the Xtreme-EMS code. Sounds like some gremlins are attacking. Please PM me your address and I will send you some firmware to try out.


Re: Xtreme EMS 912iS issues

Posted: Mon May 17, 2021 12:51 am
by Duck19
Can anyone tell me where to find the v2.07 xtreme ems firmware?
I did send a PM to Franz but don't know if it was received.

The following link says "page is missing"

According to ... isions.pdf
v2.07 was released several weeks ago but I have not been able to find it.

Version 2.07 21/04/2021 (Franz Lamers)
Bug: Fixed Rotax 912is Throttle position, ambient pressure, ECU hours, Device Status message overrun

thank you