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ECB - Light Wig-Wag function

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 8:22 pm
by viper22
Trying to understand how to wiring the following:

1. LED Taxi light wired to position 1 on ECB with external switch for on/off
2. LED Landing light wired to position 2 on ECB with external switch for on/off
3. How is Wig-Wag wired then with external switch?

I want to be able to turn on each light individually and also when I want to WIG-WAG just turn on a WIG-WAG switch.

Re: ECB - Light Wig-Wag function

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2020 7:59 am
by rainier
That's not the way this is intended to work.
You switch between lights on, off and wig wag using a connected compatible EFIS system.

Re: ECB - Light Wig-Wag function

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2020 8:44 pm
by gd5362
I've never quite understood the sequence for my wig-wag function.
On powerup mine works one of the following two ways :
turn switch on and lights go on.
Off and on again and you have the wig-wag.
If you want to repeat this process you have to cycle the switch on/off and then back on to get lights.
Same as above on powerup except you have to cycle the switch on/off and then on to get the lights :roll:
I have never understood this on/off cycle that does nothing