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FlyOnSpeed & EpicOptix HUD working with MGL Challenger

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2022 3:04 am
by hpmicrowave
FlyOnSpeed HUD Project Development Update

After several years of great work by a number of folks I have finally updated our FlyOnSpeed web site with the details and the status of our HUD project at Additionally has teamed up with EpicOptix to offer their Eagle 2 HUD for a 25% reduced price of $1500 with the goal of advancing this modern technology into the GA and Experimental aircraft world.

The FlyOnSpeed HUD projects contribution is the development of custom user developed software to create HUD graphics designs that the experimental community can use as is or if your into a little Python programming can create or modify your HUD graphics display and functionality any way you want. The OnSpeed HUD project will also integrate with our AOA system to provide the Heads Out Visual AOA indication for our system replacing our M5 display. The small M5 AOA display is also to the left of the HUD in the picture below.

I have been flying the Eagle 2 HUD in the picture below in my RV8 integrated with my MGL Challenger for about a year now and love everything about it. I also use a MGL lite at my test bench to help with HUD software development. I feed the Raspberry PI the MGL Blackbox data over RS232. The HUD is totally readable in sunlight, displays aircraft and Nav information to include Elevation and Azimuth Deviation bars, is focused at infinity, and has a clear graphic display. Because our project owns the user software this (for us) is an ongoing development project as my son Chris and I are continuously upgrading its functionality. Only real issue is that's its just very hard to photographic an electronic HUD focused at infinity in flight with electronic cameras to share with the community. We do record video but it ends up at less than great quality (but still somewhat usable), but we also record the avionics data and that allows us to replay all the HUD inputs back on the ground to help with software development.

Currently our Raspberry Pi system software can process 2 data streams at once and can integrate via Serial data with MGL, Garmin G3x/G5, Dynon Skyview & D100 (+ hopefully GRT Next), and via WIFI (AHRS & ADSB Traffic or just Traffic) with Stratux, iLevil BOM, iLevil 3, uAvionix Echo UAT, Dual XGPS190, Dynon ADSB WIFI systems.

Epic Optix also has available at a new reduced price their own GDU (Graphics Display Unit) that also drives the Eagle 2 HUD.

Our web site has a lengthy discussion on the project, HUD's in general, some HUD playback videos, our last OSHKOSH briefings, and how to purchase the hardware, download the software, and join the project.

MGL Challenger and Epic Optix Eagle 2 in my RV8

Inflight Picture of HUD taken with my iPhone (HUD fully fills Combining Glass as seen from the Pilots view point)
