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RDAC Sensor connections: UMA Tach, FF, Westach Oil Temp

Posted: Sun May 23, 2021 2:35 am
by reconaviator

Got a couple of connection questions regarding engine sensors connection to RDAC.

1. Can the UMA tach sender ground to the "GND" terminal on the RDAC or does it have to ground to the engine.
2. What does the power wire of the UMA tach sender connect to? Documentation says to "connect to Secured Power Output at back of EFIS". Not sure what that .
3. Same thing for the Westach oil temp, does it ground to one of RDAC ground terminals
4. Any benefits to connecting pin #9 to ground also (or does Pin #5 suffice)
5. Can the FT-60 use a separate power source, or does it need to be through RDAC?
6. I have the Extreme EMS GPS input coming directly from the uAvionix skyFYX GPS (I have the GPS signal spilt, going into the echo UAT and the EMS, so GPS solution is independent of echoUAT. The normal set up would be to connect the rs232 ouput fromt he echoUAT to the EMS. Will my setup work. I am getting a GPS solution according to the app with eh skyFYX but the EMS is not showing GPS signal.

Thanks for all the help!


Re: RDAC Sensor connections: UMA Tach, FF, Westach Oil Temp

Posted: Mon May 24, 2021 7:48 pm
by christoph.glomski

I guess you will get all the answers here. ... ncorrectly


Re: RDAC Sensor connections: UMA Tach, FF, Westach Oil Temp

Posted: Mon May 24, 2021 10:14 pm
by reconaviator

Thank you. I came across that after my post. Appreciate the help.


Re: RDAC Sensor connections: UMA Tach, FF, Westach Oil Temp

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2021 2:27 pm
by Awalkerch750
Make sure the RDAC has a ground to the engine block. This will insure any engine sensors connected to the RDAC will work if grounded to the engine block or direct to the RDAC.