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CHT and Oiltemperature sensors issur

Posted: Fri May 14, 2021 11:17 am
by christoph.glomski
hello Rainier, i have an interesting problem with the temperature sensors (oil and cht). the sensors showed the correct temperature until i calibrated the fuel level transmitter. both sensors then show 20 degrees less. I have attached the pictures. Both sensors and the fuel level sender are connected to the same minus (engine block). I've also tried to separate them, but the error is the same. where is the problem, has someone had a similar problem.


Re: CHT and Oiltemperature sensors issur

Posted: Fri May 14, 2021 4:33 pm
by Franz
Hi Christoph,

Is this the Xtreme-EMS or EFIS unit? What firmware are you running?


Re: CHT and Oiltemperature sensors issur

Posted: Fri May 14, 2021 7:10 pm
by christoph.glomski

this is the xtreme efis. The software is the newest (2.06)

Re: CHT and Oiltemperature sensors issur

Posted: Sun May 23, 2021 8:55 pm
by christoph.glomski
After spending the whole weekend on the wiring and checking, I come to the conclusion that the RDAC must be damaged. In the analysis, I disconnected all sensors and reconnected again one after the other. During this, I observed the ADC values ​​of the CHT, AUX, OILp. and OILtemp sensors. The result is pretty depressing. Whenever I disconnect a sensor, the ADC values ​​of other sensors also change. In the pictures you can see how the values ​​change when disconnecting the fuel level transmitter, the values ​​of oil pressure, CHT temp.,oil temp and AUX chnged. The bad thing is, that if I disconnect the second Imagesensor, the values ​​continue to change. When I ended up only connecting the CHT and not the other sensors, the temperature value was 80 ° C. That can't be right. Maybe I did something wrong, but it can't be that if one sensor changes the resistance, the other sensors also change the measured values. Or am I doing something fundamentally wrong?