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Bug with MapMaker

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2024 7:46 am
by Valentino77
Hello everyone,

Let me introduce myself: Valentino, French and new user of MGL Avionics (MX1).

I am encountering a problem with MapMaker2 when creating maps for EFIs by importing EPSG3857 files.
Let me explain: I downloaded the “Carreaux EPSG3857” files for France from the “openflightmaps” site, I followed the tutorial (PDF) provided by MGL and the software generates the maps correctly except for the western part of France, namely W004N50 and W004N58...
I tried several times, I uninstalled and reinstalled the software as well and I always get the same problem, no files for the West part, I only have E004N.... and above all a card which is cut in two .
I only have the "EST" part of France (the whole "WEST" part is black).
Has anyone encountered this problem before?

Have a nice day & happy Sunday