Van's forum and MGL

Post here for anything that does not fit any of the categories below. Any topic related to MGL and flying welcome.
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Joined: Thu Nov 05, 2020 3:33 pm

Re: Van's forum and MGL

Post by cheeselion »

I dearly wish that forum was maintained by a group of enthusiasts or at least as a side project, and not as a full-time job. The dependency on expensive vendor fees has driven away a lot of good information. The strength of the experimental platform is in the choices available... having it implicitly/accidentally become a pay-to-play monoculture benefits nobody (except the vendors who can pay).
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Re: Van's forum and MGL

Post by rainier »

That's true - it has become pretty expensive (in particular if you have to buy USD with our pathetic local currency) - just for a tiny ad and the right to answer questions.
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