Odyssey G2 Screen editor ?

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Odyssey G2 Screen editor ?

Post by rusty »

I am trying to use the screen editor to see if I set the AOA bargraph to show up ( see earlier postin) and have no luck in getting it started on my Window 10 laptop. Any programs listed in the main webpage that might be useful will download and install but as soon as I try to start them up I get an error message sayng "altitude information" needed. I still have all 9 original screens that came withthe system. Getting frustrated as I am just trying to get the AOA bar graph to show on any screen. I know it's obsolete system but very powerful and I've barely scratched its capabilities !

Thanks in advance for any suggestions,

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Re: Odyssey G2 Screen editor ?

Post by rainier »

Altitude information needed ?

There is no such message from our systems...

Try installing the screen designer outside of the program folder - for example in C:\MyStuff of whatever you like. Newer versions of Windows are very strict. Alternatively find the exe of the designer (iEFISSimulator.exe), right click and select "run as administrator". That will then allow it write access to its own files.
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